Monday, February 05, 2007

February 2007 Updates - Where is the Fluid ORBAT?

The CEFSG ORBAT team is working on the "Fluid ORBAT" project and a number of new additions have been made. No doubt this is a time consuming process and it is being integrated into routine CEFSG Matrix Projects. You will note when you visit the ORBAT that there are "bits and pieces" being added as time permits and as information becomes available. For example, we have been working the past few weeks on the Spring 1917 ORBAT that coincided with the Battle of Scarpe /Arras (aka Vimy Ridge). This was a unique exercise as it also coincided with the March 1917 formation of the 5th Canadian Division in England.

Click here for the Spring 1917 CEFSG ORBAT.

During this period we have also been working on some new initiatives that were not planned for the 2007 Matrix Year but just happened to arise out of the interest of the members. In particular, 2 of these were quickly developed as they were not only needed for the individual Matrix Pages but had developed a strong following on the Matrix. These are identified as follows:

  • Distinguishing Patches: The patches were initially required to post on each of the Unit Pages in the Matrix. Initial plans to use the Nicholson images fell apart as they were too small when copied. That lead to the creation of a number of the simple patches by the Matrix Team and soon this became an "all out" adventure to create all of the patches in their most reliable form. Our special thanks to "Dr. Patch" for his guidance on that aspect of the Matrix Project. You can follow the discussion and progress at the Matrix Distinguishing Patches Topic.

  • Unit Cap Badges: As the work to recreate all the patches moved forward, a member of the CEFSG graciously put forth excellent images of a great number of unit cap badges. These were also required to add to the individual unit pages, but to date we had been restricted by what was available from "off site" resources. We now have an excellent start to a CEFSG home-grown page for a great number of unit cap badges. I am sure this will grow quickly over the next few months. You can catch all the discussion about the development of this group at the Matrix Images Discussion. Take a look, the images are truly amazing!

  • Troop Ship Embarkments: A special interest of one of the CEFSG members had been the identification of the transport ships that travelled from Canada to England with the troops. It was not too long before a spreadsheet started to take form, which was just as quickly forwarded to the Matrix Team and voila, a new Matrix Utility. As with all related utilities, this is a "work in progress" and we ask that if you have additions or corrections that you post them to the CEFSG Forum for Transport Ships so the Matrix can be updated.

  • Great War Tributes: A less well known component of the early 2007 Matrix Growth was the addition of a page to record tributes in poem or song for the Great War. Although a "softer" side of the Matrix it is just as important as the "hard core facts" and so we are pleased to have added this as another Matrix Utility. If you are a fan of these tributes, some of which are absolutely amazing, please enter your suggestion at the CEFSG Forum Page for the Great War Tributes.

Lastly, there have been some recent additions from the CEFSG members for the Maps, Aerial Photographs and Satellites. If you are looking for something to "read and see" while enjoying your early morning espresso, then that is the page to visit. From there you can quickly move into the new age "Google Earth Community" where you will find a number of overlays of maps to the satellite images. We are looking forward to adding a number of new projects to this utility from the CEFSG members.

So for those of you that are wondering why the Fluid ORBAT is not finished, that is why - a few projects got the Matrix a "wee bit side-tracked", and that is just for our "fun time" projects. More to follow - stay tuned!

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