Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Web Site Update Complete

An update of the primary CEF MATRIX web site has been completed. Several of the MATRIX UTILITIES have been reorganized to enable faster searching for the information that you may require. For example, all of the utilities that related to mapping (including Aerial Photographs, Trench Maps and Google Earth) have been moved to the new MAP UTILITY. The trench map component is new and it contains a summary of the interpretation of trench maps using an example of Thelus Woods near Arras.

You can now follow the CEF MATRIX on Twitter. If you are a CEFSG member, you have direct access to that Twitter page to post your own important notices. Please keep any postings directly related to the topics on the Matrix. You will find the Twitter page here: http://twitter.com/cefmatrix

Other "CEFSG Shared Resources" which use the common USER NAME and PASSWORD are:
A number of larger files, such as the Bob Richardson Collection of Nominal Rolls are stored on My MediaFire Site for the Matrix, as it was necessary to restrict who can change these directories. You are welcome to view and download these files, only changes are controlled.

If you do not know the user name and password, contact the Matrix directly by PM from the forum or by direct e-mail. You will need to provide your real contact information so you can be identified as a qualified registered member of the CEF Study Group.

You can find the CEF Research Group Forum topics for the MATRIX here:
The "Main Topics" area are created by the Moderator(s) but can be viewed and replied to by any member. The "Suggestions and Questions" section are open to any member to join into an existing discussion or start a new topic. A new topic that is of interest to the development of the Matrix may be moved up to the "Main Topic" area. Several new sections of the Matrix have been suggested by CEFSG members and have been processed in this manner.


Mary Tod said...

Hello - I have just discovered the Matrix site and this blog. Congratulations on compiling such extensive and comprehensive information. I am, as they say, "blown away". My interest is to understand sufficiently the actions of the 19th Battalion of the 4th Brigade in order to add appropriate context and colour for a novel I am writing. Wonderful information here on which to draw.
Many thanks,

Canadian Expeditionary Force Study Group (CEFSG) said...

Thanks Mary, let us know if WE can be of assistance, as we have fairly significant archives and references. Also, we all love to do this!